2017年8月17日 星期四

Lorraine The Tarot 塔羅牌解讀服務詳細資料


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~始終教塔羅牌不是我的全職工作,再加上每班都是1 on 1,所以我不能教太多班,希望大家見諒。
‧這個班是屬於Beginner的班,因此只會對塔羅牌做一個比較概括的解釋,與及指導想學習塔羅牌的朋友一些方向。如果對我有些認識的朋友,會知道我對用塔羅牌「預深未來」不是太感冒,反而我會比較從心理學、哲學和人類的直覺的方向指導。我不認為塔羅牌能100%準確預測未來,我更在乎人如何選擇,不管所選的是對或不對。我亦曾閱讀過塔羅牌師Anthony Louis的著作《Tarot beyond the basics》提及過有關「塔羅牌是會惡作劇的觀點」。對我來說,學習塔羅牌的目的主要是認識自己、他人和身邊事物的變化、訓練直覺和對生活作出思考。
~上課時主要用Rider Waite Tarot,因此請各位在上課前預備好。也可以請我幫手買的,每副120HKD。
~課程沒有Notes,所以麻煩大家自行Jot notes。我會有大量的推薦書目,供想繼續研究塔羅牌的朋友閱讀,不過大部份是英文(我個人認為中文比較少有出色而具有深度的作品,始終塔羅牌是西方產物)。

700 HKD / 4堂 / 每堂2小時

Lesson 1 《四元素與Minor Arcana》
四元素是西方哲學基礎,而塔羅牌就西方思想發展下的產物。了解四元素掌管了生活哪些方面,能打好學習塔羅牌的基礎。本課亦會從較容易掌握的Minor Arcana(小牌)開始學習。

Lesson 2 《四元素與Minor Arcana續,Three Cards Spread練習,探討心理學投射式繪畫和塔羅牌的關係》
Three Cards Spread(三張牌的牌陣)是塔羅牌牌陣的基礎,只要學懂了Three Cards Spread便能在此基礎上擴展到5張、7張、9張甚至12張的牌陣。塔羅牌強調直覺的訓練,因此我們會從心理學投射式繪畫的角度認識塔羅牌並探討解讀塔羅牌的方法。

Lesson 3 《四元素與Major Arcana,簡單符號認識和占星學》
相比起Minor Arcana,Major Arcana(大牌)會涉及到更多的符號和占星學元素。這堂會指導大家如何運用四元素、符號和占星學去解讀Major Arcana。

Lesson 4 《Three Cards Spread練習,認識解讀塔羅牌時的常見問題:如選牌、正反面、提問技巧、塔羅牌的歷史》
這堂會進行更多Three Cards Spread的練習,並探討初學者對塔羅牌的一些常見問題。另外,在課堂完結之前我們會談談塔羅牌的歷史,從希臘哲學到文藝復興,再從文藝復興到黃金黎明Golden Dawn。

有興趣的朋友可以Facebook inbox或Whatsapp我查詢。


2017年6月2日 星期五

Interpretation of Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands
Elements: Fire
Number : 1
Astrological Signs: N/A
Rider Waite Tarot
Tarot de Marseille
The word ‘Phallic’ is always related to this card because the wand in the picture is always straightly pointed to the sky. So, Wands always related to masculine traits. The Ace of Wands in Tarot de Marseille and Rider Waite Tarot is very similar: a floating hand is grasping a wand. The difference between them is in Tarot de Marseille the wand is emanating the fire and light in a very energetic  way but in Rider Waite tarot the wand is a bit milder. There is a very interesting view by Alexandre Jodorowsky on the Ace of Wands in Tarot de Marseille. He said, the hole on the top of wand is similar to the female sex organ. He gives the wand a androgynous characteristic. Though, female or male or both, Ace of Wands is full of energy. As you can notice the leaves on the Ace of Wands in Rider Waite tarot, it is an energy for things to growth. Both cards have a green color tone suggests the growth can coexist to nature. I think in the Rider Waite tarot, the hand is transferring the fire energy to the wand as you can see the thumb is up and the white light is illuminating from the hand, but this is not the case in Tarot de Marseille, which the wand is more powerful than the hand. Man or nature, who is in charge? It depends on the reader.
Thoth Tarot
The Ace of Wands in Thoth Tarot is very powerful. Instead showing a stick, Aleister Crowley shows a torch, combined with lighting bolts in the background. The color tone also turns green to blazing red, even though the lighting is slightly green. Looking at the flame of the torch, it is the ten sephiroth of the Tree of Life. Fire is related to intuition, inspiration, energy, power, the fire within yourself and the passion. It is fast and positive. Sometimes, fire related to our ancient instinct, the will to live. I think here the Ace of Wands in Thoth tarot express these ideas perfectly.
Osho Zen Tarot
The Osho Zen Tarot and the Voyager Tarot is very different from the traditional deck. In Osho Zen tarot, the card entitled ‘The Source’, illustrated by a red circle, like a mandala, a very balance picture. As I have mentioned above, fire element sometimes related to our ancient instinct, the card here means that when you can be yourself truly, you are like a energy fire ball emanating positive energy to others. The emanating style is not quite the same as you noticed in the Tarot de Marseille, which in a scattered way. A prefect circle is shown in Osho Zen Tarot. If all the Ace of Wands card mentioned above are extrovert, the Osho Zen Tarot is introvert, a passion that within your body.
Voyager Tarot
The Voyager Tarot has a hand in the middle. The image of the hand is like the one scanned by a electronic detector. James Wanless entitled this card ‘Illumination’ you can notice there are lots of pictures of nature illuminate by the hand in the middle. Flowers, grasses. moons, suns, clouds, stars, rainbows. They are all connected to the nature. What makes this card different from others is that the Ace of Wands in Tarot de Marseille, Rider Waite Tarot and Thoth Tarot is man-made wands, related to the dawn of human civilization. But the Ace of Wands in Voyager Tarot is trying to connect ourselves to the nature. It teaches us why living is beautiful. This is a message you can’t find in Osho Zen Tarot because it concentrates in inner world, but Voyager is trying to connect the inner and outer world.
In tarot reading, Aces are always pure energy, means the querent want to do something, but not necessary have been done because it is only pure energy, action is not yet carried out. However, it promises good opportunity still. Fire is a element related to passion, inspiration, intuition, goal. So, maybe the querent want to do something suddenly and don’t know why. He is just full of passion and energy without obvious reason. Yeah, just a passion to live, without reason, a dawn to be a human.